Hi David,

I was always drawn to your content at the intersection of AI and storytelling more than the AI content alone.

To me, you are going back to what felt like your true love in the first place.

Just before ChatGPT launched, I made the switch from a trade media career into tech, launching a pubtech startup that experimented with genAI before it was cool, and seeing how it could help increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in fiction publishing. Fast forward to 2024, the startup folded, but I learned a lot of lessons along the way.

Surprisingly, the most important lesson is the one I knew all along: I must write. The tools and the technology were just another layer of a deeper mission. Since earlier this summer, thanks to a few wake-up calls around health and family, I made a similar decision to cut all projects and refocus on my wife, my kids and my writing. That's it.

All this to say, awareness is all that matters. And, as someone who has been writing fiction since his late teens, I am all for writing communities. See you there.

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Get off your treadmill. Rest up. But don't quit AI completely. You offer a lot of insight on a lot of topics. In some respects you have been over-doing AI. Let AI play-out. Watch it evolve. Use it as you can. Offer commentary when it is meaningful to you. Thanks for all your work so far - and that to come.

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Hey Dave

What a journey this has been for me I feel like I’ve changed so much and it’s just like what you say I simply cannot tolerate something that I know throws me off alignment and I wish more people would make that choice I wish you the best my friend some of your work was truly incredible and inspirational I don’t want to make this sound too like the death of a friend so instead here’s to the better future we both can see

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That's a bummer, because you are an institution in this field. But I am greatful you have been here. Please don't delete your YT Content, as its a ressource. Hope you find peace and happiness. Curious what you are evolving to next. Stay healthy friend

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

I'm really sad to see you go. Your channel is the most informative (and the least likely to be click bait). Glad you found your bliss though. Good luck with your future endeavors

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I just wanted to share a note of gratitude for what you've shared of AI. The concepts you've introduced to me over the last year have really changed and improved my life in a way that I didn't know was possible. Your outlook on our future has given me a renewed sense of life that didn't know could come from a stranger on the internet. Thank you so much and I wish you the best on the next part of your journey. <3

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Hi David,

After reading your heartfelt post about your decision to step away from AI content creation, I felt that I had to reply.

First and foremost, I want to express my deep gratitude for your contributions to the AI community. Your insights, tutorials, and thought-provoking content have been invaluable to many, myself included. You've played a significant role in demystifying complex AI concepts and inspiring countless individuals to explore this field.

I truly admire your courage in prioritizing your health and well-being. It's inspiring to see you follow your true passion for writing and storytelling, especially given how it brought you and your wife together. Your decision to heed the messages you received during your personal journey, including your experiences with psychedelics and overcoming health issues, demonstrates a profound commitment to personal growth and authenticity.

As someone who aspires to become a thought leader in AI, I would be incredibly grateful for any advice you might have. You've been one of my most respected authorities in this field, and I'm curious about how you approached your role. What sources did you use to stay informed? How did you structure your days to balance research, content creation, and community engagement? Any insights you could share about your journey would be invaluable as I hope to carry the torch forward in my own way.

Lastly, I'm intrigued by your new venture into building a writing community with your wife. It sounds like a beautiful way to combine your passions and skills. Would you mind sharing a bit more about your vision for this community and how it differs from your experiences in the AI space?

Thank you again for all you've done for the AI community. While you'll be missed in this space, I'm excited to see where your new path leads you. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.



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You are a being of light, you must follow your non-negotiables. You are blessed from your current path to have an insight that we might be rapidly transitioning into an era of abundance. Good luck, but we’ll miss you.

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Looking forward to seeing what comes next. Let us know where/when to join the writing community.

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In the words of Spock: “Change is the essential process of all existence.” … in the vast expanse of the universe, there’s infinite diversity in infinite combinations. Until our paths cross again among the stars, live long and prosper. You have been a joy to journey with.

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well, ... that was on the horizon, wasn't it?

best wishes for this new road/land/world/cosmos to explore.

Since you will be more into writing in the future and you had once the idea for "word seekers" and made that gitrepo (); I once made a quickshot for this idea ("search a good word for 'harsh verbal ranting' --> vituperative") and posted it on the discussion (https://github.com/daveshap/Semantic_Embedding_Reverse_Dictionary/discussions/1#discussioncomment-7407976) - never knew if you saw this but could be a nice (offline) tool for writers ;)

all the best for your second (or third?) life

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Glad to hear you're finding that alignment. I recently found it as well so I have a sense of what the shoulders feel like once that weight is off it. Good luck on your new path.

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Do you have any resources for the inflammation piece?

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My Mother says "follow your bliss" too.

Be well. See you on the other side.

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Good for you David! Thanks for making this layman a little smarter. I experienced what you did but my calling was a 4-part rock opera. I know exactly the relief you are feeling. Go get ‘em!

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