Jul 7Liked by David Shapiro

Well done! I’m glad to researching Eastern philosophy. Thanks.

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I LOVE to see a based take like this! Truly incredible, David. The only thing I would add on top of it is that the incentives for the billionaire class to keep us average humans around and give us a UBI to play video games and do drugs is essentially non existent as soon as AI can do all the jobs we currently do. And speaking of bioweapons, it would be TOO easy to release a virus that takes out a huge portion of the population immediately after they have the AGI they need. What do you think of that projection?

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I think this is way too conspiracy theory nonsense for me to take remotely seriously.

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I completely understand how it sounds, but take it at face value for just a second. So assuming that Sam Altman is bullshitting about us just doing less grueling jobs, and 90% of the jobs go away in the "robotics explosion" as Leopold refers to it, what are the incentives for paying a UBI to 260 million people that are merely consumers?

Remember what history has to say about disenfranchised people with no power to protect themselves that provide no economic benefit to the conquering nation state? It never ends up well for them.

Especially the fact that OpenAI is stacking the board with elite and intelligence-community associated members who have been known for their lack of moral compass and disregard for human rights and historical sworn fealty to the banker class moreso than the citizens of the US? Nationalization seems inevitable and a worldwide devastating bioweapon attack would perfectly cripple China's ability to match our AGI or economic ability once we have secured a robotics explosion.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm merely putting myself in the shoes of a moral-less stratistician that doesn't want to have a molochian battle to the death with an AGI equipped China and doesn't feel like using limited planetary resources for Fully Automated Luxury Communism.

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robots don’t need to be charged if they can maintain a readily supply of charged batteries in storage, like Ryobi charging stations.

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Interesting post, here are some further insights, you might want to check out.

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I recommend connecting this with Roman V. Yampolskiy’s book “AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable” which I wrote about in my Substack post: https://open.substack.com/pub/kenclements/p/schopenhauers-ai?r=2hatec&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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