I see other examples of that same behaviour around us.

Extremely valuable skills like perseverance and grit, aligned with the wrong purpose.

Altman probably deserves to be regarded as The Incombustible Sam, but I wonder what actual goal and values are behind his figure.

Kudos to you for this analysis, David.

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"Would I rather live in a world where OpenAI is in bed with the Pentagon rather than China or Saudi Arabia?". No, a thousand times no. The NSA has illegally spied on citizens for decades. This guy has no conscience. Corporate America has the worst morality, seeing people as things to be exploited and used. Giving the technology that was developed at universities to private companies to be used against us is a recipe for disaster. I am not worried about autonomous or conscious AI. The problem is using current and near future AI against humanity for control and profit of the few.

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Then you are not very aware of the ramifications of a more powerful China and Saudi Arabia.

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Well said David, and thanks for covering this! And as for you @A Person Like any other, I can see where you are coming from in regards to the US and the military industrial complex. There are great evils that most aren’t aware of. Though even with this being the case, we still hold greater freedoms and rights than most people of the world, especially China and Saudi Arabia. China is a good example of what can go wrong with technology. From the social credit system to the “re-education” camps. Saudi Arabia on the other hand is the opposite of what I would consider human rights. I recommend looking into their connections to the international market of human trafficking or their sneaky practices with offered work “opportunities”. While it’s never a good time picking the better of two evils, this is a better outcome to if he sold it to them. Much love and keep sharing your opinion, it’s always good to get another voice! I hope we can identify a outcome where good action prevails.

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Altman is an idealist in the purest sense. His ideal is to build AGI. Through whatever means necessary.

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That's not idealism, that's hubris. Idealism puts ideals first, not outcomes.

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What if Trump wins the next US election and goes full authoritarian? I’m as uncomfortable with Trump having AI superiority as China. Hell, I think I might be more comfortable with unaligned AI governance than either of those two options.

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Altman went to the DoD in 2017 to try to get them to fund OpenAIs research. He's never been an idealist.

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I was trying to be charitable. Maybe he's always been an unscrupulous mercenary

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