I believe what he is alluding to ( in a terrible way and like a TechBro Billionaire who has no idea what he is talking about ) is that if general public knew they were being "Observed" they would be less inclined to break the law. Not that I agree with this, just trying to translate what this #$#$$ is saying lol

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I swear if Shapiro starts releasing here an hour earlier. I'm willing to completely drop YouTube lol.

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I’ve been researching this topic for a minute. The billionaire and intellectual ruling class have been pushing this for years under the euphemism of “Ubiquitous Computing”. From the founder of the MIT media lab who called it “Ubiquitous Connectivity” in the 90’s to Nadella of Microsoft. It’s part of a dystopian surveillance state that a seemingly unconnected group of leaders has been suspiciously supporting for some time.

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Fun random fact: this guy just straight-up owns one of the Hawaiian islands somehow

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Wow. Of course he does.

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Charles Simeon; The truth is not in the middle, and not in one extreme; but in both extremes. Just because you’re a billionaire doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to ponder things “outside your lane” Diversity includes Billionaires. How public it gets may not be your fault. Ask why Total Surveillance all the time solves what problem? Take an extreme, all conscious humans having the ability to destroy all conscious humans via say advanced crispr

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Why do many people in power believe that accumulating wealth gives individuals a kind of superior insight into what society needs compared to the majority of the population who live very different lives?

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This posted in error before finishing the comment but thank you DS for discussing this. My teen sons and I just had this conversation last night after watching the Big Short as one of the films in my “Mom’s Film 101” course I made to discuss with them important topics through an easy frame.

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Oracle lately took a very shady behaviour, you can check my profile to understand what I'm talking about, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, never thought to see something like that, let alone to live that nightmare in first person! https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxparisotto/

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