My mother died suddenly at 14, and that's a wound I've been carrying for the last 24 years.
Intriguing and insightful……thanks once again
That was beautiful thank you ❤️
You're transparency is beneficial to your healing.
Thank you for the poignant post.
I often write poems about my kids, most stay in my journal. This one came to mind as I read:
The forever tension
Of them knowing:
They are my everything.
How do I hold this truth
But not pass the burden?
No matter the distance,
The orbit sustains.
Am I your sun, or are you mine?
As long as we are both warm with love,
It can remain undefined.
Thanks David - that was an incredibly vulnerable and insightful bit of writing -
Intriguing and insightful……thanks once again
That was beautiful thank you ❤️
You're transparency is beneficial to your healing.
Thank you for the poignant post.
I often write poems about my kids, most stay in my journal. This one came to mind as I read:
The forever tension
Of them knowing:
They are my everything.
How do I hold this truth
But not pass the burden?
No matter the distance,
The orbit sustains.
Am I your sun, or are you mine?
As long as we are both warm with love,
It can remain undefined.
Thanks David - that was an incredibly vulnerable and insightful bit of writing -